
Your child can begin Reception the September after their fourth birthday. The application period for places in the September 2025 Reception class begins in September 2024 and closes in January 2025.
In order to apply for a Reception Place for September 2025, you must complete the Common Application Form (CAF) through your local authority using the e-admissions website.
After offering places to siblings of current Rimon pupils and any other children who may qualify for a priority place (such as looked-after children and those who have Education and Health Care Plans), we offer 50% of remaining places to the applicants who live closest to the school (open places). The remaining places are offered to those who qualify for a faith place by submitting a Certificate of Religious Practice.
If there are more applicants who qualify for faith places than there are spaces, the applicants will be then ranked based on distance to the school. Please note that every applicant qualifies for an open place regardless of religious practice.
Occasional Places
On occasion, places become available in Years 1 to 6. If you are interested in moving your child to Rimon, you are welcome to come and visit us or set up a time to meet with the Headteacher.
You will then need to apply through Barnet Borough Council using the ‘in year’ admissions portal.
Please also notify us that you have submitted an application:
For queries please don't hesitate to email us:

Parents have the right to appeal against the refusal to admit a child to Rimon Jewish Primary School and they should do so by writing to the Governors within two weeks of refusal of the place. An independent Appeals panel will be convened according to the School Admissions Appeals Code.