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Our Themed Curriculum Approach
Research into the psychology of learning suggests that learning is a process of integration and connection. This is why theme-based learning is so effective at Rimon. Each half-term begins with a science, history, geography or book focus which is then integrated into all learning units apart those few which are taught discretely.
A carefully chosen, quality class-reader is planned for each topic to capture the children’s interests, enrich their vocabulary and inspire engagement.
For each theme, teachers use children’s prior knowledge and skills to inform their next unit. It is important that children are able to build on their prior learning in order to close their gaps and to gain the new and necessary skills to develop their progression. In addition, school trips are planned around these themes and visitors are invited to the school to help children connect their learning to real-life situations.
This themed approach allows Rimon to provide lots of planned opportunities for children to develop their academic and social-emotional skills. Big questions are addressed to recognise issues such as justice, sustainability, deprivation and exploitation both from a physical and human perspective.
We ensure that all units use examples of diverse and inspirational figures to help children see themselves and members of the wider society reflected in their literature. These figures help children to take an outward-looking view on the world and direct them towards the ideals of equality, diversity and Tikkun Olam.
Themed learning is then shared with parents and the local community at least twice-yearly, in an inspirational "Celebration Day" featuring the integration of children's learning.
Click here for more information about our Themed Curriculum.
Rimon has a broad and ambitious curriculum because we want our children to be challenged and engaged with what they are learning, across all subjects. We have introduced an innovative and forward thinking Retrieval Programme, which ensures that the children are able to retain and recall what they learn for years to come.
In the Reception Class we use the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum that encompasses communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.
Please check out our EYFS page for more information.
We follow the national curriculum for Key Stage One (Years One and Two) and Key Stage Two (Years Three to Six). Pupils are taught English (reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar), mathematics, science, history, geography, PSHE (personal, social and health education), PE, art, music and current affairs. Pupils in Year Three attend weekly swimming lessons and pupils in Year Four learn the recorder. Please click here for more information on Phonics at Rimon.
Rimon has an integrated curriculum that endeavours to use best practice across all areas of study. Meaning that a history and science lessons are also opportunities to develop reading and writing skills. Topics are linked to British and Jewish values wherever possible.

“It is clear that pupils are making strong progress in all year groups. This is largely due to the implementation of a strong curriculum and effective teaching.”
OFSTED, 2018