Parent Information

School Attendance
The school day starts at 8:30am.
If parents/guardians are going to be late when dropping off or collecting their child, please ring to inform the school office.
Parents/guardians are reminded that children are not allowed to be absent from school, except through illness, or by prior arrangement with the Headteacher.
Punctuality and Attendance is closely monitored.
Term Dates
The current school term dates can be downloaded here:
Early Closure
On Fridays in the Winter and for the Chagim, the school will close early. Please contact the School Office for more information.

School Uniform
School uniform is compulsory throughout the school. Children are expected to look smart and tidy at all times and especially when representing the school on trips, visits and when invited to events. Please consult the Uniform Policy for further details:
School Meals
The school lunches are provided by an excellent external catering company, serving a variety of hot meals each day. There are many choices for each child, catering for all dietary needs.
The school promotes healthy eating and works closely with the catering company to ensure that pupils are given the food that they enjoy, setting them up to learn and achieve in afternoon lessons.
We are a nut and sesame free school environment.
Lunch Menus Summer Term 2021-2022

Funding our School
Only part of the school's budget is funded by the Government. However, if Rimon had to operate on government funding alone, we would have to lower our aspirations for your children and the School’s ability to maintain its current provision. Our budget is under constant pressure due to ongoing government funding cuts and statutory pay increases for support staff and teachers. This is sadly not unusual for a single form entry school in Barnet.
We need parents to consider paying a regular Voluntary Contribution for each of their children attending the school in order to enable the school to remain the special place it is and give each child the school experience they deserve. We rely on Voluntary Contributions for a whole range of services and equipment which benefit our pupils enormously. For example:
Teaching Assistants
Specialist teaching (PE and music)
Our Kodesh provision,
Supply cover
Specialist equipment to enhance the children’s learning (computer equipment, art supplies, playground equipment etc.)
Specialist staff training
Schemes of work and curriculum
Enrichment activities (e.g. bringing theatres into School and subsidising trips)
Additional library books
Building upgrades, repairs and utilities
For further information about Voluntary Contributions, please download:
Rimon PTA
Rimon is lucky to have an active and warm PTA, which helps nurture the school's community spirit while also raising much needed funds for the school.
From our annual Summer Fair to our weekly Challah delivery service, the PTA organises fun events and special occasions for the children, their parents and the school community.
If you would like to get involved with the PTA or sponsor an event, please email rimonpta@gmail.com