Admissions Consultation 2025/26
In accordance with the School Admissions Code, admission authorities are required to consult on any proposed changes to the admission arrangements. For Rimon Jewish Primary School, the Governors are the relevant admission authority.
The Governors of Rimon Jewish Primary School are consulting on admission arrangements for the academic year 2025/26 and in particular propose two changes to the oversubscription criteria. This is a set of criteria that will determine how places will be allocated in the event that there are more applications than places available for admission to reception class or for casual and in-year admission to other year groups.
The consultation will run from 15 December 2023 to 25 January 2024.
Responses to the proposal outlined below are invited and should be submitted to the Admissions Governor in writing Jenny Sandler c/o Rimon Jewish Primary School 41A Dunstan Road NW11 8AE by email
In this document we set out:
what changes we propose to the admissions arrangements
the reasons behind the proposed changes
What we are asking your views on?
We would like to know to what extent you agree or disagree with our proposals for changing the admissions arrangements for our School.
How to have your say:
There are two ways you can give your feedback about the proposed changes
By emailing the Admissions Governor
By writing to the Admissions Governor Jenny Sandler - Admissions Governor, Rimon Jewish Primary School, 41A Dunstan Road, London NW118AE